Starting Your Employees with MP Group

Please utilize these templates to get your employees' enrollment started with the MP Group.

The MP Group is a great partner for enrolling your employees in Medicare.

To get an employee started, you will need to email them one of the templates below. Be sure to include the Welcome Kit ICHRA pdf, located at the bottom.

We will provide their information to the MP Group staff and their journey will begin.

Email for employees already 65 and losing group coverage- 

"Employee Name, 

We recognize that you may have delayed your enrollment into Medicare because you had employer health insurance benefits.  With the introduction of ICHRA, you are now afforded the opportunity to enroll in Medicare. 

To assist you with your transition, benefitbay has partnered with MP Group, an independent Medicare insurance agency that works specifically with individuals transitioning into Medicare and ICHRA. Since ICHRA contributions can be used to pay for Medicare supplemental plans, you should be able to purchase great coverage at little to no premium expense. 

MP Group’s services are available to you at no cost and include Medicare education, enrollment assistance, and lifetime support.  MP Group has decades of experience transitioning individuals to Medicare, so you can feel confident in their knowledge.   

To help you get started, we have included a Welcome to Medicare guide, which includes all the steps you need to take for a successful Medicare enrollment.  An agent from MP Group will be calling you. Please make sure you take the call or return it as soon as possible so that you can complete your enrollment.  

MP Group looks forward to working with you! 

Signature - Employer "

Email for employees who are turning 65-
"Employee Name, 

You’re turning 65 in _____ (name the month) -  Cheers and congratulations! 

As you approach this important milestone, it’s time to start looking at your Medicare options.  To assist you with your transition, benefitbay has partnered with MP Group, an independent Medicare insurance agency that works specifically with individuals transitioning into Medicare and ICHRA. Since ICHRA contributions can be used to pay for Medicare supplemental plans, you should be able to purchase great coverage at little to no premium expense. 

MP Group’s services are available to you at no-cost and include Medicare education, enrollment assistance and lifetime support.  MP Group has decades of experience transitioning individuals to Medicare, so you can feel confident in their knowledge.   

To help you get started, we have included a Welcome to Medicare guide, which includes all the steps you need to take for a successful Medicare enrollment.  An agent from MP Group will be calling you. Please make sure you take the call or return it as soon as possible so that you can complete your enrollment. 

MP Group looks forward to working with you! 

Signature - Employer "

Please be sure you attach this Welcome Kit as well: